Monday, September 14, 2009


Today: I got up for work, a little bit grudgingly...snoozed a few minutes too long, but made it to work on time. It was a slow day and I had lots of time to think. (never a good thing!)

I have really missed college lately. I was thrown into the real world after my second let-down at college (or so I thought). Little would I know that after working a full time job and a part time job for my first college career that going away to college and only having a part time job but actually having a life would be so awesome! I love my job and all my co-workers are like a big family. An amazing support system for any problem or joy you could ever need to vent. Yet with all these great things around me, I wonder if I am really truly happy. I work a lot, and still live in the same town I grew up in, went to high school in, completed my college degree in. All my friends have moved away, moved on to bigger and better things. I still have friends, but they are all people that I work with. We are all so close that sometimes you just need to get away. I want to continue my college career...but Im not sure what I want to do and I dont know where I would go.

I DO know that I want to make some new friends and just live. Be happy. Every day, all day. :)