Saturday, September 19, 2009


Wow, this post is so much different than the other two...

I had my first day at my new job yesterday. It was incredible! I am so excited to start working there! Its not that I don't like working where I am now, but the attitudes are so bad around that place. and I was offered a part time job with benefits! I do kind of feel bad about totally ditching old job though...

I have also come to the conclusion that this the best time of the year for me! This is what I have needed to get out of the funk I have been in. I want to do well at my job, I want to loose weight and look good. Most of all, I want to feel confident in myself all the time. I think the fact that I am finally totally over my ex-boyfriend has helped a lot. He was where I got my source of confidence for a long time, and its incredibly hard to gain that back. (totally unhealthy, right?)

Well, I am off to work out on this beautiful Saturday morning!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Work, Work, Work

Im at work today, not sure why. I can do this job from home. After all, thats why I moved into town, isnt it? No, I came here to do office hours. Because just working alone gets you nowhere in this job. In order to make any substantial amount of money you need to dedicate your life to this place. You have to do all the jobs that no one else, a.k.a. "the full-timers", wants to do. This includes cleaning out the dusty nasty supply cupboards in the garage or filing the insurance paperwork or organizing the equiptment that people use everyday.

But it doesnt matter, because I have already dedicated my life to this place.,.which means a lifetime of poverty and unhappiness. Guess I am in the same boat as most of the world. It would be nice to rise above that and at least just be happy.

Monday, September 14, 2009


Today: I got up for work, a little bit grudgingly...snoozed a few minutes too long, but made it to work on time. It was a slow day and I had lots of time to think. (never a good thing!)

I have really missed college lately. I was thrown into the real world after my second let-down at college (or so I thought). Little would I know that after working a full time job and a part time job for my first college career that going away to college and only having a part time job but actually having a life would be so awesome! I love my job and all my co-workers are like a big family. An amazing support system for any problem or joy you could ever need to vent. Yet with all these great things around me, I wonder if I am really truly happy. I work a lot, and still live in the same town I grew up in, went to high school in, completed my college degree in. All my friends have moved away, moved on to bigger and better things. I still have friends, but they are all people that I work with. We are all so close that sometimes you just need to get away. I want to continue my college career...but Im not sure what I want to do and I dont know where I would go.

I DO know that I want to make some new friends and just live. Be happy. Every day, all day. :)