Friday, September 2, 2011

I'm done.

You know what really pisses me off? People who act like the world owes them something, that they are better than you for no other reason than they think they are. I am done dealing with people who can treat others horribly and walk away with a smile, whistling a happy tune. While I don't know many people like this, the few I do know are too much to handle even on my most gracious of days. Never in my life have I been rude or angry or vindictive to someone just because I can me. For me to act like that would take YEARS of foul offences from another person, and EVEN THEN I think I would rather walk away than be a bitch to you. Why should I stoop down to your level? The scum isn't so pretty down there. 

The thing I don't understand is how someone can be an outright bitch and still be happy? How can someone walk all over another person and go home and sleep at night without feeling remorse or regret for what they have done? My theories are this: You either don't have a heart(or if you do, I think by now it has shrivled into a small black lump), you dont have a brain, or you think SO HIGHLY of yourself that you think everyone in the world is below you. 

My next question is what in the HELL happened in your life that made you think you are better that everyone else? really, go on, tell me. Because I definitely missed out on the "How To Be A Bitch" class in kindergarten.

The whole purpose of this post is actually this:  Someone was really rude to me today for no reason. She was difficult towards me while I was just trying to help out another person. She really pissed me off, and I'm 100% sure that was her goal.  Well, I was venting to someone and they said to me "Kayla, she's a bitch. She's been a bitch for a long time, you know this. Why are you getting so upset?"  I realized that they were right, I did know the probably outcome of the situation, but I guess I always have hope that people will change. I also realized that I never EVER EVER want to get used to someone acting that way towards me, or anyone for that matter. If I let myself be okay with people being bitchy and walking all over me, whats next? I will have no backbone at all. I've never been a very confident person, and it has taken me a long time to become confident with who I am now. I'm not going to let one bitchy little blonde shit all over that. See, it's not that I'm better than her, I believe that we are all equal,  but I will not stoop down to that level of interaction with anyone.