Friday, December 18, 2009

Isnt it Ironic?

So this job that I have been endlessly bitching about...well its about to be over. Not by my choosing though. That means I should be happy, right? Not the case. The county government decided to sell the ambulance service (against the ambulance committee's recommendation) to a man that I refuse to work for. I have put my heart and soul into this place. It has been a part of my life for 25% of my life. When I look around and see all the things that I have done here, all the things I have changed, and especially all the people that I have met that have become a family to me, it breaks my heart to have heard one of the county commissioners go as far as saying "the employee's opinions don't count on the matter!" All because he wants to make the quick buck for the county, shoving aside the concerns of the community's safety. Guess that just doesn't matter when the county needs money. I am heartbroken, but I am also a bit relieved. Relieved in the fact that my decision to leave is now incredibly easy. Relieved that the choice was pretty much made for me. That I don't have to be the one walking away, because I really didn't have the strength before, even if I had wanted to.

Thank you, SCAS, for breaking up with me! Even if it was the dumbest, most hasty and worst decision the county could have ever made. ...oh, but it doesn't matter what the employees think, so I hope that when the new guy comes in he brings his army of EMT's and Medics, because there isn't going to be anyone left here.